
International Conference

Modeling and Simulating Network-Centric Operations of Organizations for Crisis Management
Agent Modeling
GeunHo Lee, Namkyung Oh, and Il-Chul Moon
Conference Name
Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim 2012)
Presentation Date
March 26 - 29
Disaster C2 SpringSim2012 draft ver6.pdf (945.9K) 28회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-11-09 23:31:19

GeunHo Lee, Namkyung Oh, and Il-Chul Moon, Modeling and Simulating Network-Centric Operations of Organizations for Crisis Management, Spring Simulation Multiconference(SpringSim 2012), Orlando, Florida, USA, March 26 - 29, 2012 (Received the Track Best Paper Award) 


Abstract : 

Crisis management is critical in large-scale disaster situations. In a disaster situation, crisis management includes various operations such as relaying relief resources to demanding places and organizations, providing basic support to evacuees, and starting recovery operations. These operations are not the purview of a single government organization, but fall under the category of inter-organizational cooperation. In spite of the importance of this cooperation, recent disasters (the Japanese tsunami, Hurricane Katrina) revealed inefficient and unorganized organizational dynamics. Hence, we model and simulate the intra- and the inter-organizational dynamics of the relief organizations in Hurricane Katrina. Particularly, we evaluate the model behavior from the network-centric operational perspective which is a prevalent concept for developing agile organizations in crisis situations. Through the simulation, the network-centric operation measures and clearly describes the limitations in inter-organizational cooperation, i.e. the tardy resource delay even in the increasing number of cooperation links between organizations, the limited shared situation awareness, and the failure to synchronize action.


author = {Lee, GeunHo and Oh, Namkyung and Moon, Il-Chul}, 

title = {Modeling and Simulating Network-centric Operations of Organizations for Crisis Management}, 

booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on Emerging Applications of M\&S in Industry and Academia Symposium}, 

series = {EAIA '12}, 

year = {2012}, 

isbn = {978-1-61839-787-4}, 

location = {Orlando, Florida}, 

pages = {13:1--13:8}, 

articleno = {13}, 

numpages = {8}, 

url = {}, 

acmid = {2338803}, 

publisher = {Society for Computer Simulation International}, 

address = {San Diego, CA, USA} 

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